Monday, November 14, 2011

Lessons From the Garden

This little poem was written a few years ago while working, of course, in the garden!

Tiny plants push their way through the earth,

Turning their faces to the light.

Dangers surround them from their birth;

The killing frosts and deadly blight.

Yet ever onward do they grow,

Reaching up with all their heart.

Whether food or flower they know

They must not shrink, but do their part.

Lord, help us all to do as they,

When facing turmoil, grief, or strife.
Let us confidently say,

"I will grow each day of life!"

~M. J. Graham


  1. Marqueta,
    This is a very lovely deep swweet poem ;-)
    Love Linnie

  2. My first time visit... and I already love my first glimpses!

    I love that you have created this blog to gather your bits and pieces of creative works, rescuing them from various notebooks and scribblers. What a marvelous, winsome idea! (May I borrow it sometime??)

    For I've been wondering what to do with all my own creative bits and pieces. Some of my creative bits have nuggets in them, but I've never gotten around to 'polishing' them into something larger.

    It's been a pleasure to 'meet' you.... I'll be back to read more.

    Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places............


    Love this blog!! I wanted to extend a little blessing to you...which is in the URL I included. In Rom. 1 God tells us that we can see a lot of Him in what He created, which is why I love to see the amazing things He made. This "critter" (in the URL) humbles and delights me. Humans have way too much pride and think we are so smart...yet we are not the only "smart" ones in God's creation.

